North Buda Central Hospital


North Buda Central Hospital

Architectural project
Unbuilt design

General Designer:

Tspc Kft. - CÉH Zrt.

Colleagues on project:
Almási Dorottya, B. Tóth Zsuzsanna, Bach Ágoston, Bach Péter, Barta Gyöngyi, Bodor Réka, Debkowski Dóra, Halmai Dénes, Háló Róza, Horváth Gergő, Houman Momeni, Juhász László, Koch Lilla Boróka, Kukucska Gergely, Lassu Péter, Leitold Debóra, Meizl Domonkos, Murczin Evelin, Pálfi Dániel, Polyák Ágnes, Simon Orsolya, Sümegi János, Szabadi Gergely, Takács Zsófia

The Ministry of Health planned to provide central healthcare for the North Buda area of Budapest by developing the more than 100-year-old St. John's Hospital. A new central building, on the central plateau of the 4 hectare pavilion hospital site, would provide emergency and specialised care for 1.2 million inhabitants on nearly 100,000 square metres. The development project would also renew existing historic buildings and integrate new features into the operation of the hospital. A feasibility study for the development concept of the North Buda Central Hospital preceded the architectural design, in which we addressed the infrastructural and urban problems of the environment and proposed solutions. The final element of the study was a new design programme, which was used as a basis for the architectural design. This development has been halted at the permit stage and funding is needed to continue.